CEO Message
A company is as good as its workers and we here at AutoCare Experts are proud of our strength in producing a dedicated workforce which drives on to new heights with every passing year. It is our firm belief in due diligence that makes the company a smooth-running operation based on pristine principles of hard work and innovation.
We at AutoCare Experts are committed to deliver the best in fabrication and structural support to their esteemed associates. Our fabrication brand has gone from strength to strength over the years and with the backing of the newly acquired MTC, (Material Test Certificate) we have the opportunity to tap into the limitless potential within the automotive industry.
I am grateful to be associated with such a well drilled team of professionals, who always push themselves to the utmost best of the best of their abilities in order to deliver the right product and churn out the right product and make sure that our clients are always satisfied and trust us time and again

Muhammad Hamid Khan
Company founder & CEO